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cruise with you

Written by Ms. Confuse on Tuesday, April 01, 2008

people who go on cruises are predominately white, not much asians go on cruises... hell almost no asians go on cruises!!! maybe that cuts my confidence down muchos....My first Cruise was when I was 16 (I'm 41 now!!) and I had a blast!! Back then the cruise ships didn't have "teen discos" and other social areas. You just had to start talking to people. Luckily there were a lot of kids taking Sr trips on my cruise, so meeting other kids my age wasn't all that hard to meet someone to hang out with. I stayed in touch with several of them for four or five years after the cruise was over!!

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Commonly known as nikky and was bestowed the nickname billyboxergirl by her close peers. Age is a myth for time knows no boundaries. Being the proud mommy she is, she wastes her days away trying to perfect the art of human anatomy.

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