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FilAm lady lawyer's historic run in Illinois

Written by Ms. Confuse on Sunday, April 06, 2008

A top Filipino-American real estate lawyer is eyeing a chance to make history in Illinois when she runs for seat in State Assembly.

Aurora Abella-Ausriaco,43, Aurora Abella-Austriaco, a prominent Filipino American lawyer in Illinois, is running for State Assembly in a district that has been held by a Republican for 118 years and includes the suburb of Park Ridge, where Sen. Hillary Clinton grew up. Three years ago when she ran for Trustee of Maine Township, Sen. Obama personally campaigned on her behalf.

Aurora Abella-Austriaco has an uphill battle in this predominantly Republican district and is running against a 16 year incumbent. However, Aurora Abella-Austriaco may be able to capitalize on the unprecedented dynamics of this election cycle and the hunger for change among the American population to win. In her uncontested primary, she received 9,875 votes, almost double that of the Republican incumbent.

In 2006, people were tired of the out of touch, corrupt, extremist policies of many Republican politicians. In Wichita, KS, State Rep. Raj Goyle defeated a Republican in a 2-1 Republican district that had never elected a Democrat, besting his opponent 57-43 and becoming the first person of AAPI descent elected to the state legislature in Kansas.

If Barack campaigned for Aurora, she may very well have some of the magic that makes a politician a true leader and could surprise everyone in November. Read more about her in the Philippine News here.

Aurora is fluent in Tagalog. Her profile here.

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  1. 1 comments: Responses to “ FilAm lady lawyer's historic run in Illinois ”

  2. By ctdweller on April 8, 2008 at 1:26 AM

    Go go go Ms Aurora!


Commonly known as nikky and was bestowed the nickname billyboxergirl by her close peers. Age is a myth for time knows no boundaries. Being the proud mommy she is, she wastes her days away trying to perfect the art of human anatomy.

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