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Fil-Am in American Idol faces cyberspace scandal

Written by Ms. Confuse on Sunday, March 09, 2008

The latest season of the popularity show. American Idol is proving to be more than just singing and scornful Simon Cowell remarks.

Recently, it's also about scandals and stunning revelations on the background of its roster of contestants, according to Philippine Entertainment Portal.

The PEP report said that includes Filipino-American Ramiele Malubay.

According to reports, controversial photos of Ramiele are currently popping up in cyberspace, showing the 20-year-old talent grabbing the breast of a co-worker in a sushi bar.

Fox News reported that there's another photo where, this time, the hand of Ramiele's friend was caught placed on her breast.

People think the revealed photos may either strngthen or weaken Ramiele's chances going on to the final stretch of the contest. "If you're hated, you're doing something right," wrote Ramiele when asked to list down her favorite quote on her profile.

But Ramiele's issue paled in comparison to the scandal faced by another semi-finalist named David Hernandez. The Associated Press recently reported that David used to be a gay-club stripper rendering lap dances on mostly male patrons.

The reports said that David was employed at Dick's Cabaret, a club joint located in Phoenix, for three years.

Speaking to AP, Dick's Cabaret manager Gordy Bryan was quoted saying "He had the look and the type that people like, so he made pretty good money here."

Based on his employment record, it was found that David last reported at Dick;s Cabaret on September 30,2007. He never renewed his state license.

If there's any good news for Ramiele and David, it seems they will both stay on American Idol despite the contreversies bounding them - until they are voted out of the show, of course, according to the PEP report which was posted on GMW Network website. GMA Networl is the host o Philippine Idol and American Idol.

Ramiele and David are still in the competition and are expected to sail through the Final 12.

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