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Leah Dizon - One of Hot Pinay

Written by Ms. Confuse on Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Leah Dizon (リア・ディゾン, Ria Dizon?, born Leah Donna Dizon on September 24, 1986) is a model, singer, actress, and TV personality in Japan, born in Las Vegas, Nevada, US.[1] Her ethnicities include Chinese, Filipino and French. In 2006, she moved to Tokyo, Japan after being accepted by a Japanese talent agency for her modeling. Soon after, she began her music career releasing Japanese-language songs.

Leah Dizon was born in Las Vegas, Nevada. Her parents were casino dealers. Her father was a business man in one of the largest cities in California. She has two older brothers, an older sister, and two younger brothers. She says she grew up listening to Rock and R&B music. She took dance lessons and was in her high school theater. Dizon dreamed of pursuing a career as a singer

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  1. 3 comments: Responses to “ Leah Dizon - One of Hot Pinay ”

  2. By Anonymous on April 3, 2008 at 12:45 AM

    Looks like a doll! :D

  3. By Anonymous on April 3, 2008 at 7:39 AM

    very cute! but yeah, she looks like a doll. too much airbrush?

  4. By Anonymous on April 3, 2008 at 7:10 PM

    She's indeed hot.. *tulo laway*

Commonly known as nikky and was bestowed the nickname billyboxergirl by her close peers. Age is a myth for time knows no boundaries. Being the proud mommy she is, she wastes her days away trying to perfect the art of human anatomy.

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