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quick fat burners

Written by Ms. Confuse on Sunday, June 01, 2008

exercises with fat burners :
Spinning = approx. 410-650 calories/hour
Swimming burns a lot of calories but the amount varies based on how fast you swim and which stroke you do.
Treading water can burn about 610 calories an hour.
Jump roping can burn up to 1000 calories an hour!! But of course that depends on how fast you jump, how you jump, and so on.
There are also the cardio machines at the gym. They can burn from probably about 100 calories to 500 calories. I'm not 100% sure. Number of calories burned is also determined by how much you way and stuff like that.

Happy exercising! ;)

*Spinning is that exercise on the bikes not spinning around in circles. Some people might get confused with that.

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