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good lightning

Written by Ms. Confuse on Sunday, June 29, 2008

Good home lighting could bring in joy to the family. Recently, I've been to a friend of mine who invited me for a dinner party with his wife and three kids. I noticed that the ambiance in the dining room was kind of light and crisp, which made the foods all the more delicious. I was wondering what could be the factor that adds to the good feeling in their abode. The wooden checkered venetian? It could be. The elegant glass table and delicate silverwares? Perhaps. But when I looked up, I knew where the good feeling is coming from. That was the source of light. On the far right of the table was also a table lamp. It was dimly lit but with a refreshing hues of yellow and red. Complimenting the elegant table lamps were a floor lamps that makes it easy for their kids to read while lying on the floor and torchieres on the wall, which makes the ambiance even mystically refreshing.

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