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I want my Land Rover

Written by Ms. Confuse on Thursday, October 02, 2008

I've been working so hard for my family to have a good future for my two daughter. I always make sure we have everything we need, food, clothing, necessities. I help my husband with everyday financial because if his the only one working in the household, I don't think we can never have everthing we need. I commute to go to my work everyday and I'm tired of that, that is why I decide to buy my own car. My husband have his own car that he use for his work and we use it whenever we go out with the kids. I like to have my own so its easy for me. I've been dreaming to have a Land Rover ever since I was in my high school years I like to buy that kind of car. It's luxury car of my dream to ride everwhere I want to. I already have the money I've been saving to buy it, that is why looking for good price of LandvRover.

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Commonly known as nikky and was bestowed the nickname billyboxergirl by her close peers. Age is a myth for time knows no boundaries. Being the proud mommy she is, she wastes her days away trying to perfect the art of human anatomy.

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